Pet Urine Stain Removal in Auckland

pet urine stainGraeme Stephens, an IICRC-accredited – 2001 Master Restoration Technician, provides this pet urine stain removal and cleaning information. Enable to help you decide about pet urine stain and odour contamination. Whereas everybody loves their pets, our dogs and cats are true friends who help us through various challenges and brighten our day. 

On the other hand, no one loves when an accident occurs within the household. Owners of newborn puppies are familiar with the issue, but it happens to grown-up pets. Unfortunately, rugs, carpets, and upholstery are probably the worst places for your beloved pet to have an accident. 

But there is no need to worry about this or get mad at your dog or cat – here is when the Auckland Steam n Dry Carpet and Stain Removal Experts help you. So you do not have to get your hands dirty. Leave this job to our professionals in the field! Thus, call Steam n Dry Carpet and Stain Removal Services at 0800 110 282 or email us.

Pet Urine Stain Removal Experts

Everybody loves their pets, but no one loves it when they have an accident on the carpet. Unfortunately, the rugs are some of the worst places for your pet to have an accident. We provide pet stain removal in Auckland and the surrounding area for the experts called Auckland Steam n Dry Carpet and pet urine stain removal.

Pet stains can penetrate deep into the carpet fibres, making them very difficult to clean. It is essential to clean urine or other pet waste thoroughly. If possible, try to clean up the urine as soon as possible. Auckland Steam n Dry pet urine stain removal also cleans rugs and is a hot spot for pets.

Spot & Pet Urine Stain Removal Tips

Searching online, you will find many references to remove spots and stains from carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Some of these are good suggestions, and some are just plain destructive.

While the removal tips below are simple and basic, they will still help remove or reduce stains in your home. 

This expert advice should help prevent joint and expensive mistakes if followed carefully. In addition, it should prevent you from damaging your soft furnishings during the(do-it-yourself) stain removal.

If you have an area rug you value, we recommend not using any home remedies but professional experts like Auckland Steam n Dry Carpet and Stain Removal Services. For example, using household chemicals, most Spot and Stain removal instructions suggest using liquid dishwashing detergent. However, it is not a good idea as dishwashing liquid is oily and will cause re-soiling. It also has a high pH and can cause permanent damage. It is imperative to seek or hire professional technicians and those who work with high government standards for cleaning and removal assistance. Yet, you will find that following our advice will improve the chances of successful stain removal.

COVID-19 Corona Virus Disinfecting Service in Auckland

Efficient FDA-approved 99.9% Antiviral Sanitisation

  • It kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses
  • We are using FDA-certified eco-friendly antiviral detergents.
  • Ozone, disinfecting fogging, misting clean
  • Done by technicians with protective gear
  • Comprehensive coverage and flexible booking options
  • Suitable for domestic and commercial properties

We provide free disinfectant with carpet cleaning using our Large Truck Mounts. Our disinfecting cleaners division is equipped with specialised interior Coronavirus Disinfecting Clean equipment, such as large fogging machines, Commercial Ozone Generator Disinfect, and battery power sprayers, all on wheels. It is work needed to maintain human health and safety essential services.

Since 1988, it has provided Auckland with a cleaner, healthier pathogen germ-free home, office and workplace.

5-Star Auckland Carpet Cleaners & Pet Urine Stain Removal Reviews

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Professional Carpet Cleaners in Auckland Steam n Dry Services 1988 uses premium truck-mounted carpet & upholstery cleaning services. Call us about carpet cleaning services, mould removal, disinfecting cleaners, pest control, pet urine stain removal, wet carpet drying and inside car upholstery.

Regular vacuuming and cleaning carpets are essential. The best method recommended is truck mount hot water extraction, referred to as steam cleaning. Phone the Expert carpet cleaners at Auckland Steam n Dry Services in South Auckland Central City CBD, North Shore, East, West Auckland, and Hibiscus Coast on 0800 783-266.

Area Phone Numbers

Auckland Central     09 3767007       North Shore      09 489 7784      South Auckland       09 262 0720         

West Auckland        09 8374545        Eastern Bays      09 520 0062      Hibiscus Coast        09 426 5008